Angebotsfrist03.01.2025 10:00 Uhr
Ausgeschriebene Leistung
Selection Notification Letter for Catering Services To all respondents: We are pleased to inform you that, following the evaluation and review by the procurement working group of Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd. (Frankfurt am Main), iChinaGourmet GmbH has been selected as the successful bidder for the provision of travel services. We request the selected supplier to contact us within five working days. Thank you to all respondents for your support and cooperation in the procurement process of Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd. European Representative Office. We look forward to even better cooperation in the future. Contact person: Qi Xuetao Phone number:+49 17674105799 Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd. (Frankfurt am Main) 20/12/2024
Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd (Frankfurt am Main)
Vergabenummer (des Auftraggebers)
Vergabe-ID (bei
3096942Angebotsfrist03.01.2025 10:00 Uhr
Ausführungsort (1)
Zeitraum der Leistungserbringung
20.12.2024 - 10.01.2025Termin in Kalender eintragen